Taz embarked on his recording career driven by an intense passion for music and an auspicious opportunity to undertake work experience at Presshouse Studios in Devon in 1996, renowned for hosting the legendary Martin Barre of Jethro Tull's fame. This formative experience, gained at the tender age of 15, cemented his dedication to the field and inspired him to further his studies in the domain of sound engineering at The School of Audio Engineering in Glasgow in 1999.

Following his studies, Taz relocated to London in 2002 where he honed his craft in a series of small project studios before eventually securing a coveted position at the esteemed Sarm West Studios. At Sarm, Taz worked alongside a diverse roster of artists and producers and quickly rose through the ranks from Assistant Engineer to In-House Engineer. Under the tutelage of luminaries such as Trevor Horn, Danton Supple, Julian Mendlessohn, and Steve Lipson among others, Taz gained invaluable experience and honed his skills to a razor-sharp edge.

Taz's enviable career trajectory has seen him collaborate with a plethora of celebrated artists including the likes of Sia, Mark Ronson, Coldplay, Petshop Boys, Seal, Megadeth, Gorillaz, Ian Brown, Oasis, Placebo, Counting Crows, and the Rolling Stones to name but a few.